I had heard about this archeological walk from Shireen and David at a New Forest Ramblers walk a few weeks earlier. You can see Sue here with S&D. The actual spot on which they are standing is quite significant. This is an ancient pagan site where about 7 ley lines intersect. This is on top of St. Catherine's hill near to Christchurch.
The walk was guided by Michael Hodges who is very knowledgable about the area and has published a few books on Christchurch and its history.
We have been up St. Catherine's hill before, but hadn't realised how much history there was here. During earlier quarrying, fossils of rhinocerous, sabre toothed tiger and elephant have been found. None of these animals were seen during the walk. There are many barrows here and also the Romans had a lookout post on the top, because they had views for many miles around.

Michael Hodges can be seen on the left of this photo. David Livingstone's double can be seen on the right.

On Sunday we went to Bygone Days at Ibsley. This is an annual fete run by the locals for the locals. Here I am by one of the older cars in the parade.
Sue next to our new caravan, I don't think she realises she has to stand in between the shafts.

We were entertained by three air displays. The first was by the Yakovlevs, a couple of Russian aircraft. The second display was by a local aeromodelling club and the third was by a Pitts special which was a really superb display of aerobatics.

Sue beside one of the vintage tractors.

This notice was seen on the above machine. It doesn't take too much working out, honest! If you can't read it, double click on the photo to enlarge it, or buy some specs (DW)!