Sunday, 14 January 2007

Maggies's BIG 50

This is the event we had been waiting for; Maggies's 50th birthday. The party was held at the Great Tythe Barn, Tetbury, Gloucestershire.
This photo is Maggie with David.

I think there were about 70 at the party, of those attending Sue and I must have known at least half the people. As is usual with these meetings, we caught up on lots of news.
I have put the next photo in of Sue and myself because it is not often I'm seen in such posh kit. It is at least 8 years since I have had the DJ on - yes it does still fit!!!!

This was taken early on in the evening before the ceilidah so everyone is looking at their best.

This is the Tythe Barn, on the ground floor the tables were set for the meal, which was excellent.

Thanks to Maggie for a great evening and to the supporting cast (Andy).

Monday, 8 January 2007


You will see in the right hand margin the number of finds and caches hidden for Coordin8z. Coordin8z just happens to be me. Why call myself Coordin8z? To find these caches you need coordinates to put into your Global Positioning System Receiver (GPSr). Once the GPSr is set up you just follow the arrow to the cache. This is the the same a Sat. Nav. in a car.
We were geocaching on the edge of New Milton yesterday and here is a photo of some incredibly ugly ducks near to the cache.

Another cache we did was on the coast. As you can see it was a very dull day, blustery too. If you want to know more about geocaching go to